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30 Mai.

Bryan Kest Master Class

30.05.2015 | 9:00 - 12:00

Eine Power Yoga “Master Class” beinhaltet typischerweise:
– eine Einführung über Inhalte und Ziele des Power Yoga (ca. 45min.)
– eine 2 – 2 1/4 StundeYogapraxis und schließt  möglicherweise mit einer kurzen Meditation
– ALLE Level, vom Einsteiger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen können diesen Workshop genießen
– Der Kurs findet in englischer Sprache statt

Power Yoga Master Class
Bryan Kest’s Power Yoga Master Class is a well-rounded flowing asana practice integrating mental practices that enhance everyday living. The class is intended to invigorate your body and help you practice developing a calm, less reactive state of mind with dynamic flowing routines. In a Power Yoga workshop, you are encouraged to focus on the process and not the end result. This allows ALL levels of yoga practitioners to enjoy and benefit from the workshop. Master class is open to students of all levels.


Bryan Kest has been practicing Yoga since 1979 and has been teaching since 1985. He developed his unique, distinctive style of yoga, Original Power Yoga, in 1979. Over the years, this style, and amazing workout for the body, mind and spirit, has made him a well-known, popular teacher across the country and around the world.

His mainstream popularity is matched by an authentic foundation in the ancient practise of Yoga and a long path of development as a yogi ( a practioner of yoga ). At age 15, Bryan uprooted from his Native Detroit home to make a life change in Hawaii. He moved to live with his father, a doctor, who understood the benefits of yoga. Like many of us, Bryan originally thought yoga was nothing more than strange contortions, but that changed when his father introduced him to a physical style of yoga called Aahtanga. This appealed to him immediately, and he soon observed great changes in himself, both physically and mentally. Yoga quickly became his passion, one that would take him to India for a year to study with the great yoga Master of the world, Pattabhi Jois. He has been continuing on his yoga path ever since.


Da die Plätze für den Workshop begrenzt sind, möchten wir Dich darum bitten, die Zahlung innerhalb von 5 Werktagen zu tätigen. Andernfalls müssen wir Deine Buchung leider stornieren.


Bei schriftlicher Stornierung bis zu 2 Wochen vor Workshopbeginn erstatten wir 50% des Workshopbetrages zurück. Innerhalb der letzten 2 Wochen vor Workshopbeginn ist eine Rückerstattung des Betrags ausnahmslos ausgeschlossen. In diesem Fall steht es Dir natürlich frei, den Platz an Familie, Freunde oder Bekannte abzugeben. Gib die Buchungsbestätigung die Du von uns per Email bekommst, einfach an die Person Deiner Wahl weiter.


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Event Details

Date: 30.05.2015 | 9:00 - 12:00
Time: 9:00 - 12:00
Venue: CrossFit am Rhein
Address: Emmastrasse 25
Organizer Name: CrossFit am Rhein